Mariano Kestelboim 2 - 0 Pedro Cachin (Tuesday, August 13, 2024) - Game Report
Santo Domingo Challenger, ATP Challenger

Santo Domingo Challenger


Mariano Kestelboim Vs Pedro Cachin

ATP Challenger, Santo Domingo Challenger - Round of 32


50% (3/6)
Break Points Won
0% (0/0)
Points Won
Double Faults

Game Info

Estadio Mitur


Head to Head

Mariano Kestelboim
Mariano Kestelboim
We currently don't have data on any previous matchups between these players
Pedro Cachin
Pedro Cachin

About Mariano Kestelboim Vs Pedro Cachin

The match between Mariano Kestelboim and Pedro Cachin in the Santo Domingo Challenger, held on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, ended with a final score of Mariano Kestelboim 2 - 0 Pedro Cachin.

If you missed any of the action from Mariano Kestelboim vs. Pedro Cachin, 365Scores brings you all the match highlights.

Be sure to stay tuned for our predictions for upcoming Tennis matches, with the best odds for Santo Domingo Challenger from leading betting platforms.

Predictions for Mariano Kestelboim vs. Pedro Cachin

Check out today’s prediction and place your bets on Santo Domingo Challenger. Explore the best odds for key tennis betting options, including:

Odds for Mariano Kestelboim vs. Pedro Cachin

Game, set, match! The showdown between Mariano Kestelboim and Pedro Cachin may be over, but the excitement doesn’t stop there. Dive into the post-match stats and insights on 365Scores, and gear up for your next bet. Our expert tips and odds comparisons will ensure you’re ready for the next serve. Whether you're following the latest Santo Domingo Challenger odds or planning your next move, 365Scores helps you stay ahead of the game!

Stats for Mariano Kestelboim vs. Pedro Cachin

The match between Mariano Kestelboim and Pedro Cachin ended with a score of Mariano Kestelboim 2 - 0 Pedro Cachin. On 365Scores, you can check out all the head-to-head results and dive into the stats for both Mariano Kestelboim and Pedro Cachin.

3 - 3
Break Points Won
50% (3/6) - 0% (0/0)
Service Games
100% (9/9) - 67% (6/9)
Points Won
57 - 43
Double Faults
1 - 2
Max Points In a Row
7 - 5
Max Games In a Row
3 - 1
1st Return Points Won
30% (10/33) - 27% (9/33)
Service Points
76% (37/49) - 61% (31/51)
1st Serve %
67% - 63%
2nd Return Points Won
53% (10/19) - 19% (3/16)
Return Games Won
33% (3/9) - 0% (0/9)
1st Serve Points Won
73% (24/33) - 70% (23/33)
Return Points Won
39% (20/51) - 24% (12/49)
Total Games Won
67% (12/18) - 33% (6/18)
2nd Serve Points Won
81% (13/16) - 47% (9/19)
Total Points Won
57% (57/100) - 43% (43/100)
Break Points Saved
0% (0/0) - 50% (3/6)